Driving Near Emergency or Maintenance Vehicles
Illinois laws regulate and detail how drivers must act in traffic. These are so-called “Rules of the Road“, part of which explains how to properly, lawfully and safely drive near emergency or maintenance vehicles on the road.
When approaching a stationary (non-moving) emergency/maintenance vehicle using visual signals, Illinois law requires motorists to yield, change to a lane away from the emergency workers when possible and proceed with caution. If a lane change is not possible, reduce speed and proceed with caution.
Illinois law prohibits photography and the use of wireless/cellphones within 500 feet of an emergency scene, except in certain circumstances. A driver is prohibited from driving over fire hoses unless permitted by a fire official in command of the scene.
When being approached by an emergency vehicle using audible and visual signals (lights and/or sirens), Illinois law requires motorists to immediately pull to the right side of the road and allow the emergency vehicle to pass.
In some cases a complete stop may be necessary to allow the emergency vehicle to pass. If stopped at an intersection with two-way traffic, remain stopped until the emergency vehicle passes through the intersection.