Other Laws

Misc Illinois Laws & Rules of the Road

The following article will give you a brief rundown of miscellaneous Illinois traffic laws that didn’t make it into our other categories or more detailed articles.

Disabled vehicles

When drivers approach any disabled vehicle using hazard lights on a four-lane highway, Illinois law requires drivers to change lanes away from the disabled vehicle if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe to change lanes, the driver should reduce speed when approaching and passing the disabled vehicle. Speed should not be increased until well past the disabled vehicle.

Illinois law states a person may not:

  • Push a disabled vehicle on a rural highway unless there is an emergency and it should be removed to avoid a hazard.
  • Remove a wrecked or damaged vehicle from the roadway without removing all glass and other debris.
  • Tow one vehicle with another except by a drawbar. In most cases, the distance between the two cars should not exceed 15 feet. A towed vehicle also should be coupled to the towing vehicle with two chains or cables.

Illinois law requires a disabled, unattended or abandoned vehicle to be removed from the roadway as soon as possible. Law enforcement may request a vehicle be towed at the owner’s expense if it has been left along a roadway after a certain period of time.

  • Interstate, Expressway or Toll Highway – after two hours.
  • Highway in an urban area – after 10 hours.
  • Highway in a non-urban area – after 24 hours.


During the winter, a driver may share the roadway with snowmobiles. A driver should use care when driving in areas with snowmobile warning signs.

Information on snowmobile registration and operating requirements is available by calling the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at 866-867-3542 or by visiting www.dnr.illinois.gov.

Horseback riders

Horseback riders may use public roadways. The exceptions are limited access highways and most expressways. Horseback riders must ride in the same direction as other traffic and as far to the right as possible.

A driver should never sound a horn when near a horse as the sound may frighten it and cause a crash. When meeting or passing a horseback rider, a driver should do so with caution and be prepared to stop.

Driver responsibilities after crash or accident

Drivers who are involved in or come upon a traffic crash should:

  • Stop their vehicle in a safe, well-lit public place that does not obstruct traffic, if able to do so.
  • Help any injured person if necessary or requested.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • Warn other drivers by using emergency flashers and flares if available.
  • Ask all those involved for their names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers and license plate numbers.

For more information see: Illinois hit and run & leaving accident scene laws.

Sound system loudness

In Illinois it is illegal to operate or permit operating any sound system (radio, tape player or disc player) at a volume that can be heard 75 feet or more from a vehicle being driven on a highway.

Sharing road with large vehicles

When sharing the road with trucks, buses or other large vehicles, a driver of a smaller vehicle should:

  • Stay out of blind spots and maintain a visible position when following a large vehicle. Drivers of large vehicles should be able to see surrounding vehicles in their side mirrors.
  • Pay close attention to turn signals, and give large vehicles plenty of room to maneuver and make turns. Large vehicles make wide right turns and sometimes leave an open space to the right just before the turn.
  • Always allow extra space for large vehicles. Size and weight can affect a large vehicle’s ability to maneuver and stop.
  • Always dim headlights when following a truck at night. Bright lights will blind the drivers of large vehicles when they reflect off the large side mirrors.
  • Blink the vehicle’s headlights when passing a truck to let the truck driver know, especially at night. The truck driver may make it easier by staying to the far side of the lane. The pass should be completed as quickly as possible to avoid staying alongside the truck.
This article about Misc Illinois Laws & Rules of the Road was last updated in 2025. If any of our information is incomplete or outdated please let us know. Thank you!